Thursday, April 12, 2007

A Baby and His Binkie

My son is two and his doctor said that he needs to lose the binky. We have had a rough time with many sleepless nights. He seems to be clinging to his blankie even more. Is it worth it? Should I be pushing him to stop using his binkie? Is it really that bad? I don't know....


Becky Spiker said...

ok, you need to stop stressing about this. Your baby is happy and will give binkie up when he is ready. does that dr. have to live in your house and deal with the "binkie withdrawl?" mommies know when it is the right time to pursue the issue. just let baby be baby!

MrsPeroksBlog said...

He's 2. Let's be serious, now, shall we? He's not going to go to kindergarten with a binkie. He certainly won't be sucking on that thing at the prom, & it's safe to say that his wife will never suffer the effects of 'binkie withdrawal.' Start stressing over something that is serious, like what college he will attend, who he will marry and what profession (you know it's not even been created yet!) he will choose.

You're stressing, but there are many more issues to overcome. Just wait... they're coming!!!!!